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Mary Jo Potter

Mary Jo Potter has been an active entrepreneur and investor for 30 years. Having sold a company to McGraw Hill, she became active in angel investing in Chicago, and upon moving to the Bay Area, she joined Keiretsu Forum where she has been a member for 18 years. She has invested in a variety of entities but is now focused on the healthcare sector. Mary Jo is Managing Partner of Healthcare Angels, a GP in Keiretsu Capital, an LP in Purple Arch Ventures (Northwestern University’s venture fund), an LP in Portfolia, and a member of Band of Angels and HealthTech Capital. Mary Jo has held executive positions in Highperlink, Sibson/Segal, Omega, and Oxicon/McGraw Hill. She has held or is currently on many boards, including CHW/Dignity/Common Sprit, CHI, Christus, UC School of Public Health, Hope Unlimited in Brazil, GTU, Hanna Center, Compli, Les Concierges, Jean Paul in France, NACD (NCAL), Ocular Sciences/Cooper, International Women’s Forum, and Northwestern University School of Social Policy. She has a bachelor’s from Siena Heights University where she also sat on the board, a Master’s from Northwestern University where she is currently on the School of Social Policy board and has done an Executive program at Stanford in India. She is a member of Women Corporate Directors, the International Women’s Forum, and the National Association of Corporate Directors.